
Clone wars roger roger
Clone wars roger roger

clone wars roger roger

Palpatine also says Snoke was just his puppet, confirming that he was pulling the strings all along. If Snoke was a clone created by Palpatine, how did he set him up as a puppet leader from afar?Īt the start of the movie, we catch sight of a bunch of beings that look a whole lot like Supreme Leader Snoke - the First Order boss whom Kylo Ren betrayed and sliced in half in The Last Jedi - floating in a tank in Palpatine's creepy lab on Exegol. He even inhabited much younger cloned bodies, but those quickly deteriorated because he was so full of dark side energy (or just such an evil jerk). It's no longer canon, but saw him returning six years after Return of the Jedi. The whole Palpatine-as-a-clone idea originated in the 1991 Dark Empire comic series. So he's more like a wraith - in the novelization, Rey notes that he smells like "rotting meat" - until he steals the Force energy from Rey and Ben Solo in the final battle. When Kylo Ren first meets Palpatine, he can sense that the Sith Lord is the real deal and that his cloned body "couldn't last much longer." Uh oh, it's nudey young Palpatine! The Sith baddy was resurrected in the non-canon Dark Empire comic series. Because Palpatine was trapped in a broken, dying form." "Perhaps Plagueis was having the last laugh after all. The transfer was imperfect, and the cloned body wasn't enough," author Rae Carson wrote in the novel. The secret place had not completed its preparations. Unfortunately for ol' Palps, it didn't revive him fully. The Phantom Menace spends a significant amount of time showing Anakin tinkering away at machinery, even going as far as retroactively revealing Anakin to be C-3PO’s creator. There are brief allusions to this trait in the latter two films, though both are more focused on portraying Anakin’s fall rather than fleshing out his interests.The novelization confirmed that Palpatine transferred his essence to a cloned body he had ready for just such an eventuality - a trick he stole from his master Darth Plagueis before killing him.

clone wars roger roger

Neither Attack of the Clones nor its sequel, Revenge of the Sith, dedicate much screen time to Anakin’s first prosthetic limb, despite its symbolic significance as the character’s first steps toward becoming, in Obi-Wan Kenobi’s (Alec Guiness) words, “more machine now than man.”īoth Clones and Sith also overlook a key aspect of Anakin’s characterization established in the first prequel film, The Phantom Menace, which depicts young Anakin as a naturally gifted mechanic. The same film depicts Anakin losing his forearm during a confrontation with the nefarious Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), paralleling the iconic moment in The Empire Strikes Back when Darth Vader severs Luke Skywalker’s hand (Mark Hamill). A new Star Wars book reveals that Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) modified his cybernetic hand sometime after the events of Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones.

Clone wars roger roger